hummingbird with the heart of a whale

das alucinações de Verão

e dos sonoros campos de squash. Apresento-vos Secret mommy

O álbum:

There is a glorious homage paid to the sound of noise. Every day crashes, echoes, and resonance feels like it has been gathered up, coddled, and made into, as Ache Records has called it “electronic anti-techno”. The appreciation for the white noise of movement all around us everyday on Very Rec is a great reminder that there’s beauty in some of the simple things we take for granted... I’m very impressed with his efforts. If this is art for art’s sake, then it’s a job well done." (aqui)

A criança-criadora:

2 comentários:

kelly disse...

yucky! não quero induzir ninguém em erro. quando digo "apresento-vos" não quero dizer que percebo de música. não percebo.

Anónimo disse...

What a great site »

a doceira (mail)

When did you say that?