hummingbird with the heart of a whale

aulas magnas

this girl felt, wrote and sang love. quietly she whispered it to us.

some people hadn’t done their homework before going to the lecture: professor Lou caught them clapping their hands before they should:)

although he hid beneath his beard, my eyes were unable to avoid this boy, who was simply fantastic on the double bass. on top of it all, he’s an assistant music therapist with blind, handicapped and behaviourally challenged children/adults.

thanks SiS!

ao tentar emulear o disco deste rapaz, não me apareceu o que procurava, apareceu-me antes uma lista de títulos de filmes que continham a palavra "porn". :/

1 comentário:

Manela disse...

be careful with the "porn" sites... sometimes a different character in the address is enough to enter those sites...
i must listen to the boy...

a doceira (mail)

When did you say that?