hummingbird with the heart of a whale

Memories 'll overcome the dispair...

Today, I'm very sad. I've cried for a time it's gone.
I've cried for all the dreams of my youth!
I don't want to be alone, I know, I'm not alone.
Lots of portuguese simple people are feeling the same...
I've cried but I've learnt a lesson: I can't give up fighting , I can't give up my dreams, I can't give up being present where I can do anything for the poorest men and women in my country and all over the world!
I still can do everything for the children, for the women, for lots of suffering people!
I still can fight for my dreams.
The memories'll overcome the dispair!
A great MAN has gone today! I cried, but I can´t forget my youth dreams..
I have to be back to my way.

1 comentário:

kelly disse...

We can't change the world, but there's no doubt about the fact that we can help improve "our little world".
I like to remember, from time to time, that the doors we choose to open and close each day decide the lives we live.

a doceira (mail)

When did you say that?