hummingbird with the heart of a whale

...dá e leva!

Promise (Matt Munisteri. Fiction Songs)

Just as dark waters run to blue
I'm hoping that there's more to you
but as each promise proves untrue
my thoughts drift further out of view.
Come sit beside me by the well--oh no!
You've gone and wet your foolish pride
Your bucket's empty, but that moon's so ripe and full...
it's hard to fight a rising tide.

I bait the hook, I cast the line, then wait
not much to do on this old log
but later when there's catfish supper on your plate
who needs a birddog in the bog

Hey, can't you see what still waters do to me?
Hey, can't you see what still waters do to me?
and hey, have you heard about that girl who lost her bird?
Hey, can't you see what love and heartache's done to me?

Just as dark waters run to blue
I'm hoping that there's more to you.

Ouvindo: Ingrid Lucia and the Flying Neutrinos

1 comentário:

kelly disse...

Eu sou uma coincidência

a doceira (mail)

When did you say that?